Good Boys Swallow
Terry McGorman suffers with depression holding in his childhood secrets that lead him to excessive drinking, long hours at work and a secret sex life his wife and family remain completely oblivious of. In a freak encounter Terry finds himself falling prey to the lust of a stranger’s dick he grows an addiction for. Terry meets a black man named Ty Baker and sparks an affair and trades his life of casual oral sex at a local New York Sex and Toy store. Terry tries to maintain juggling his sex life with his newfound lover and wife. At the age of 50 makes a decision to retire from his job and appoints his lover as his corporate successor. Find out what roads Terry’s lust lead him down in this short story “Good Boys Swallow”.
2013年10月19日 12時 土曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>
Good Boys Swallow
Terry McGorman suffers with depression holding in his childhood secrets that lead him to excessive drinking, long hours at work and a secret sex life his wife and family remain completely oblivious of. In a freak encounter Terry finds himself falling prey to the lust of a stranger’s dick he grows an addiction for. Terry meets a black man named Ty Baker and sparks an affair and trades his life of casual oral sex at a local New York Sex and Toy store. Terry tries to maintain juggling his sex life with his newfound lover and wife. At the age of 50 makes a decision to retire from his job and appoints his lover as his corporate successor. Find out what roads Terry’s lust lead him down in this short story “Good Boys Swallow”.
2013年10月19日 12時 土曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>
[10/10 ロレックス デイトナ スーパーコピー 見分け方 sd]
[07/23 ロレックス gmt 新宿]
[07/22 シャネル時計 新作 2014]
[07/22 エルメス 時計 メンズ 激安 6畳]
[07/22 ビビアン 財布 スーパーコピー mcm]