【輸入盤】JOY FORMIDABLE ジョイ・フォーミダブル/WOLF’S LAW(CD)
【輸入盤/輸入版】 2〜7日以内の発送 種別:CD ウルブズ・ロウジョイ・フォーミダブル 解説:2011年夏、『ザ・ビッグ・ロアー』でUKロックシーンの話題をさらった、金髪ヘアーがトレードマークの女性ヴォーカル&ギターのフロント・ウーマン、リッツィ・ブライアンと男性ベースのリディアン・デイヴィス、そして2009年に加わった男性ドラマー:マット・トーマスによる3人組、ザ・ジョイ・フォーミダブル。昨年夏のレディング/リーズ・フェスティヴァルに出演し、いよいよニュー・アルバムのリリースが間近か?とUKロックファンの期待を一気に煽った彼らが、遂に待望のセカンド・アルバムを完成。新作のレコーディングは、バンドが住む北ウェールズ、さらに吹雪と豪雪に見舞われたメイン州のポートランド、そしてロンドンで行われ、ミックスダウンはニューヨークで、Andy Wallace(Jeff Buckley、RATM、Nirvana他)が手 内容:1. This Ladder Is Ours2. Cholla3. Tendons4. Little Blimp5. Bats6. Silent Treatment7. Maw Maw Song8. Forest Serenade9. The Leopard And The Lung10. The Hurdle11. ... JAN:0075678732515 発売日:2013/02/03 登録日:2013/02/01 洋楽ロック
2014年07月22日 17時 火曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>
九州で活躍する料理研究家、門田トモワ先生プロデュース! タヒチ産バニラビーンズを丸ごと粉末にし、奄美産無漂白のきび砂糖、沖縄産黒糖、国産の和三盆糖をこだわりのブレンドで配合した、リッチで優しい味わいのバニラシュガーです。 ヨーグルト 珈琲 ミルクティーに。 プリンやフレンチトーストなど自然派のおやつ作りに。 いつもの味が高級感のある風味に変わります。 お料理の隠し味にも! 送料無料!メール便にてお届け致します。 *保存方法:高温多湿、直射日光を避け冷暗所にて保存して下さい。 *内容量:120G
2014年07月22日 05時 火曜日feat. D.O Reloaded 続き>>
The Incense Game: A Novel of Feudal Japan (Sano Ichiro Novels)
Winner of RT Magazine's Reviewers' Choice Award for Best Historical Mystery
In the wake of a terrifying earthquake, Sano Ichirō races to solve a crime that could bring down the shogun's regime
When a massive earthquake devastates Japan in 1703, even the shogun's carefully regulated court is left teetering on the brink of chaos. This is no time for a murder investigation—except when a nobleman's daughters are found dead from incense poisoning and their father threatens to topple the regime unless Sano Ichiro tracks down the killer.
As Sano and his wife strive to solve the case in a world that is crumbling around them, Laura Joh Rowland—author of one of the "five best historical mystery novels" (The Wall Street Journal)—brings us her most powerful and evocative thriller set in Feudal Japan yet, The Incense Game.
2014年07月22日 00時 火曜日feat. D.O D.Oレボリューションズ 続き>>
A Comprehensive Analysis of the Synoptic Gospels: With Old Testament References and Interpretations Rendered in Colored Text With Bonus Text: FOUR GOSPELS COMPILATION Plus PARABLES OF JESUS
Lately, I have been seeing quite a few offerings of the story of Jesus available on the internet. I have seen versions from the New International Version as well the King James Version, New American Bible, The Catholic Edition, besides several others. They are all good reference tools, but as far as I can tell, the really modern versions are not. They seem artificial. Nearly nonsensical. A lacking of scholastic necessity.
Inspired, and relying on my A Comprehensive Analysis of the Synoptic Gospels, where I went directly to the Koine and Hebrew texts to verify the translations of what I was offering, I determined to present another offering to biblical readers of the Four Gospels combines as one. I am not the first to do this, and probably not the last. Many think they have something different to offer. Like them, I also claim biblical inspiration as well as biblical scholarship.
To undertake my task I relied exclusively on God to lead my fingers to the correct words He wanted me to place upon His work. After further comparisons with other New Testament studies, I am still convinced that even after 30 years, I still have the ultimate compilation of the Four Gospels.
Many will be surprised at how freely I rendered this work, but I believe that is because it is my given task to do so. While translating, I deliberately inserted and expanded for the sole purpose of clarification. Implied sentences are cleaned up to establish the expanded and timely truth of the last days. Missing words—the veiled secrecy, so to say—is restored. And why not take this approach? After all we are living in the final countdown, so let’s get to the bottom of the meaning of the Four Gospels. Of course, when you read this, read it right next to Shiloh, Unveiled and you will discern the absolute reasons why things happened as they did, in the order that they did.
Again, I first produced this work in 1983 because I needed one quick reference to insert my research material into while I was writing Shiloh, Unveiled. The vast amount of books that I had to study became quite an occupier of my shelves. Moreover, this work also helped me become self-reliant.
In this offering I correlated the four gospels as one—and to be sure—the first time I did this was in 1983, not 2001, or 2013. Of course, revelation is continuous and to learn, requires constant review and reflection.
What I did with my accumulation of knowledge is to create from the original Koine and the Hebraic works this compilation. As I am not a mimic, I did not use any of the Christian offerings. I went to the Judaic and Greek languages in order to authenticate the validity of the reconstruction.
As I said earlier. Though I am not the first to do this, this is the best and the most accurate version out there.
Not that I am vain – I am just being honest.
God is my witness.

2014年07月21日 01時 月曜日feat. D.O Reloaded 続き>>
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