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Irreversible and Incurable Disease Cured and Reversed! (Jubilee A Good News Publication)
Jubilee, A Good News Publication has been in existence in Southwestern Pennsylvania and in parts of West Virginia since September of 2006. Jubilee reports on miracle stories such as the woman who suffered with Multiple Sclerosis for 16 years when abruptly, the disease disappeared. Even the lesions that normally show up in the brain vanished. Then there's the story about the woman who was on life support and in a coma. She was pronounced brain dead three times, yet her husband kept refusing to let them pull the plug. The woman is alive today to tell her story! Stories such as these confound the medical world. The only explanation is that something supernatural was brought into place that finished what the medical world could not.
Here’s a glimpse of the four stories in this, the first digital edition of Jubilee by order of chapter:

Tom Buchanan –Incurable and irreversible--those were the two words used to describe a serious and rare disease called: Dermatomyolsitis. A shortened life span was guaranteed for Tom, but something interrupted the natural progression of this disease Not only was it halted, it was reversed! But there’s more! Tom had a “knowing” that he wouldn’t die from this disease from the very beginning. Take a walk with Tom on a path that led him to a miracle. It’s been said: “It’s always darkest before dawn!” And for Tom, it got very dark!

Pastor John and Christine Zimmerman—What would it be like to be addicted to food, very overweight, and unable to stop eating? They loved to eat, and food was in control of their lives. But then came a wake-up call that changed everything! Something happened that changed the way they looked at food! What they couldn’t do before, they were now able to do! They were able to take control of their lives and stop eating! Once they did, something supernatural took place. Find out how to make weight loss “permanant” rather than “temporary”. This is a must-read!

Pastor John Zimmerman-- Yes...John Zimmerman was totally changed from the inside out, but there was so much more going on, that a second article was written to address all that took place! After miracle number 1, he began to embark on a journey that would lead him to still another major life change. This story is so delightful, that you will find yourself captivated by the divine encounters and supernatural signs they experienced along the way. This story holds alot of “behind the scenes” supernatural activity!

Lisa Colich and Amy Dooley--Amy Dooley is a devoted kindergarten teacher who possesses a deep compassion for children. Diagnosed with M.S., it cannot squelch her love for children, nor can it stop her destiny of touching children with love. Friend and neighbor, Lisa Colich, nominated her for the “Angel Among Us” award and Amy won! As 35 people showed up at Amy’s door to surprise her with this award, she was told she would also be honored on the pages of Jubilee, her story to be published on August 14th, 2013, Amy’s birthday!

A VERY BIG thank you to everyone who endured the many interviews. It was an honor and privilege to report and document experiences that will inspire the masses. A special thank you to Lisa Colich who wrote from her heart about her friend, neighbor and “Angel Among Us winner” Amy Dooley. You have the “gift to write”. Also, a special thanks to Carol Hirsch, an English Teacher and breast cancer survivor who happens to love animals. Your dedication to “Hearts and Paws Pet Ministry” has touched many lives. Thank you for sharing your personal pet experience.

*Jubilee is not affiliated with any religious denomination or organization, but believes in the moral fiber of the United States of America and its foundational truth that came through our forefathers who instituted the words this nation lives by: In God We Trust.
Hazel K. Palmer, Publisher

2013年09月04日 03時 水曜日feat. D.O Normal 続き>>

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