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The Sparrow
The Sparrow, a novel based on real science by Sam Faulkner. An African American, SHAWN JEFFERSON, puts himself through college on a football scholarship and then obtains a Ph. D. in physics from a mediocre university. Agencies will not give him grants to fund the research and charitable activities he wants to carry out in Harlem, so he is forced to use his talents as a computer hacker to reverse their decisions. He manages to build a quantum computer, a high-tech device that can be used to break any code or encryption that exists today. When the police mistakenly shoot the brother of his girl-friend, VANESSA JONES, he uses his quantum computer to hack into the management program of an insurance company and issue a policy to pay the boy's medical bills. This gets the attention of United States National Security Agency (NSA) agents, who give him the code-name "Sparrow." They believe that Shawn must be collaborating with a foreign power because it is inconceivable that he could build a quantum computer on his own. He and his girl-friend escape from New York and, after several adventures along the way, they arrive in Mississippi where they find refuge with a college friend and plantation owner, BO AYCOCK. The NSA finally recognizes their mistake and attempts to bring Shawn in peacefully so that they can learn about the technology of his quantum computer. The leader of the local Ku Klux Klan hates Bo for personal reasons, and hates Shawn because of his color. They attack Bo's plantation and inflict great damage in spite of the efforts of the NSA agents to stop them.
This novel differs from others in the action-adventure genre in that it is colored with nontechnical but accurate details about the underlying science and mathematics of computers and encryption. It will be particularly interesting to the computer-literate generation of today. Governments are spending a great deal of money to develop quantum computers because certain tasks that are impossible for an ordinary computer can be carried out using this device. In particular, a quantum computer can be used to breach the security of any non-quantum computer and break the kind of codes that are presently used to protect their contents. The NSA is eager to have one because the encryption used by ordinary citizens to secure their credit card numbers and e-mail is also used by possible terrorists, and is unbreakable with present-day technology.

2013年10月08日 04時 火曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>

Solitary Journey Along The Oregon Trail: Escaping An Outbreak of Disease (Christian Romance Novella)
Solitary Journey Along The Oregon Trail: Escaping An Outbreak Of Disease is the story of a southern woman and her older brother, striking out for the West to escape the hardships of the South after the Civil War. She didn’t want to leave her home but not wanting to be left isolated, she went with him. The wagon train along the Oregon Trail is led by a seasoned veteran of the War, on the opposite side. Romance develops but the brother is still bitter about the south losing the war. When a virulent disease erupts the wagon master abandons the wagon train, taking just the brother and sister and a single wagon, as he strikes off along the trail alone. Tragedy strikes later and the sister has to make a hard choice.

2013年10月08日 02時 火曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>

2013年10月08日 03時 火曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>

It Started With A Toothbrush (A Graphic Novel)
Our lives are an enormous canvas splashed and streaked with a multitude of vibrant tones and shades. Pigments of life spawning from the hues of our childhoods as bright highs and darks lows into a tint of early adulthood, the blush of mistakes made and the intensity of lessons learned. As we age the colors become richer, and the light pastels of our first relationships grow into chromatically vibrant brilliance as the failed relationships of the past strengthen our bonds of the future.

It Started with a Toothbrush by Valerie Parson is a novel about how one woman discovered love in the most unlikely of places. This is the short graphic novel to compliment the book. We hope you enjoy it.

2013年10月06日 14時 日曜日feat. D.O R 続き>>

It Started With A Toothbrush (A Graphic Novel)
Our lives are an enormous canvas splashed and streaked with a multitude of vibrant tones and shades. Pigments of life spawning from the hues of our childhoods as bright highs and darks lows into a tint of early adulthood, the blush of mistakes made and the intensity of lessons learned. As we age the colors become richer, and the light pastels of our first relationships grow into chromatically vibrant brilliance as the failed relationships of the past strengthen our bonds of the future.

It Started with a Toothbrush by Valerie Parson is a novel about how one woman discovered love in the most unlikely of places. This is the short graphic novel to compliment the book. We hope you enjoy it.

2013年10月06日 14時 日曜日feat. D.O R 続き>>

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[07/22 シャネル時計 新作 2014]
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